Hello I'm Mr Dean the class teacher. Welcome to 4D's class webpage.
In 4D we are joined by Miss Pennington and Mrs Clark and who help us with our learning.
Click on our class newsletter to see what will be learning about this term.
Please click here to see the end of year expectations for Year Four.
Keep up to date with what's going on with our year four blog.
Year 4 Frequently Asked Questions
Homework will be set every Thursday. This needs to be completed by the following Monday. Spelling and handwriting practice will be given out every Tuesday. A spelling test will be taken the following Tuesday.
In Year 4, it is statutory for all children to complete a multiplication tables check. The children will practise their multiplication tables in school. You can help at home by encouraging your children to practise using their Times Table Rock Star account, or in any other ways.
Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school.
Indoor PE will take place on Thurday.
Indoor- black shorts or plain leggings and a school t-shirt (no footwear is required).
Swimming lessons will take place every Wednesday morning. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit and a towel each week.